Hope Harbour provides crisis intervention and supportive services for victims of domestic violence and their children. We provide counseling services to victims and their children.
Columbus Hospice provides care to patients whose life expectancy is limited and can no longer benefit from curative treatment. We provide individual, couple and family counseling to the professionals who give care to Hospice patients.
Sexual Assault Support Center provides services to victims and families that have been affected by sexual assault. We support their mission by providing onsite group counseling for sexual assault victims.
Teens Empowerment Awareness with Resolutions, Inc. (TEARS) encourages youth to create a successful future by making sound healthy decisions. We support their mission by providing onsite counseling to the youth and their parents.
Valley Interfaith Promise (VIP) is a transitional sheltering program that provides basic needs for families as they work towards housing and stability. VIP accepts qualified homeless families for an initial 30 days. Extensions granted on progress and guidance compliance.
Homeless Resources NetworkThe Network connects people experiencing homelessness to resources to increase their self-sufficiency and thereby end their homelessness. The Network’s services include; providing a mailing address, place to store personal belongings, free local transportation, assistance obtaining legal identification, concrete connections to community services, support to secure housing and crisis/case management.