Anger is a healthy emotion that is sometimes expressed in unhealthy and destructive ways. Family Counseling of Columbus offers Anger Management Classes for adults who want to learn healthier, more appropriate, and less destructive ways of dealing with this common emotion.
- Class participants may be self-referred, referred by other professionals, or mandated to attend
- Mandated referrals satisfy court, probation, and employer requirements
Adult Anger Management Group
- 6-week program meets weekly, on Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
- Open to anyone ages 18 and over
- Goals of the class are to: help participants learn ways of understanding and expressing anger in a non-aggressive, non-abusive manner; increase awareness of personal anger and destructive patterns; improve ability to maintain and/or establish healthier interpersonal relationships.
- COST: Intake fee is $15.00. Session fee is based on household income on a sliding fee scale. Maximum fee is $45.00 per session.
To enroll in Anger Management Classes:
Contact Family Counseling of Columbus and schedule a brief Intake Interview. Following this individual intake, participants may join the class at the next available start date.